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I'm a student. How can I get involved?

Great question! Check out our Prospective Students page, here.


I'm a healthcare provider. How can I get involved?

We are always looking to expand our network of clinical providers in order to meet growing demands of pre-medical students at the University. If you are interested in learning more, please click here or send us an email at


Are there any prerequisite requirements to take CMED?

Please see the prospective student link

How many students are in CMED?

There is no set number but it typically ranges from 20 to 25 students at a given time. Due to AnMed Health policies and variability with physician schedules we have to adjust the number as we see fit in order to ensure students have adequate opportunities for clinical experience.


Is there a limit to how many semesters I can enroll in CMED?
Yes. A student may enroll in CMED for no more than two semesters. (Summers do not count in this total.) While we would love to give everyone the opportunity to shadow as often as they would like, the supply of physicians and demand of students just doesn't work out.


How many shadowing hours do I need to get into medical school?

Great question. The vast majority of medical schools do not put a number on this. If anyone says you need "X" number of hours, you should probably double check them. You should shadow enough that you are able to talk about clinical experiences in an interview and provide some examples of situations that really stood out to you.


What if I am considering a professional health program other than medical school?

Our policy is to consider only students planning to attend medical school.

Once I am cleared through CMED, can I continue to shadow once I am no longer taking the course?

Unfortunately, no. Although we would love to give everyone the opportunity to shadow as much as they would like, it is not feasible based on the number of available physicians. In time, as we continue to expand our physician network this may become a possibility. Once the semester is over, your clearance will be deactivated through our website.


Do I receive academic credit for enrolling in CMED?

Yes. Students enrolled in CMED will receive one credit hour of BCHM 4900.


How does the clearance process work?

The clearance process is directed by AnMed Health and is constantly updated to ensure safe, smooth clinical experiences for students and providers. While the requirements may change slightly, the process generally involves documentation of an up to date flu shot, PPD test, and safety, liability, and confidentiality forms through AnMed. The requirements will be explained in full to students participating in the program.

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